1. To demonstrate four novel, regulatory applications of chemical monitoring data from apex predators and prey, specifically:
    • to detect presence of chemical contaminants in the environment;
    • to facilitate selection of most relevant substances for further hazard assessment;
    • to assess impact and effectiveness of substance risk mitigation measures;
    • to define predominant chemical mixtures in the environment.
  2. To support and sustain regulatory take-up of these applications, specifically:
    • to assess relevant resources and capacities for replication and transfer and engage key partners;
    • to enhance quality assurance of sampling, processing, archiving and analysis of food web samples (and resulting data);
    • to enhance availability and access to relevant apex predator and prey samples and related chemical monitoring data and the comparability and interoperability of this data.
  3. To replicate and transfer LIFE APEX approaches and methods with partners across Europe.
  4. To disseminate and communicate the LIFE APEX approaches and methods and in particular optimize uptake by regulators and industry.